Own the room with the fastest, smartest console ever created
오디오엔지니어의 모든 상상을 구현할 수 있는 최고의 오디오워크스테이션으로 자신 있게 Quantum 7을 소개합니다.
가장 빠르고 스마트하며, 어떠한 프로덕션의 스케일도 완전무결(完全無缺)하게 소화할 수 있습니다.
Quantum 7은 현재의 기술을 대변하며, 미래를 위한 기술을 제공하는 ‘Own The Room’입니다.
7세대 FPGA는 비교할 수 없고, 대체 불가한 유연성을 제공하는 것을 염두에 두고 개발 되었습니다. 그리고 이를 기반으로 감히 최고라 불릴 수 있는 Quantum 7이 DIGICo의 플래그쉽으로서 출시 되었습니다.
Quantum 7은 새로운 엔진만을 SD7에 추가하는 것만으로 기존의 하드웨어를 아울러 Quantum 처리 기능, 파워 그리고 다재 다능한 연결성을 제공합니다.
두 개 이상의 FPGA로 효율적인 엔진을 구성하는 것이 불가능했던 과거도 있었으나, Quantum 7은 7세대 FPGA 3개의 완벽한 호흡으로, 최고의 제품이라 불릴 수 있는 이상을 실현하였습니다.
96KHz의 샘플링레이트를 기준으로 688개의 프로세싱을 실시간으로 처리하며, 동시에 2,000개의 채널을 전송할 수 있으며, 새롭게 디자인된 GTX 포트는 6.6GHz의 실행 속도를 가지고 있습니다. 동시에 심플하고 안정적인 연결방식을 취하고 있어, 신속하며 안정적인 운영을 보장합니다.
Quantum 7의 최고의 성능은 다른 차원의 기술과 함께, 한발 나아간 믹스의 경험으로 당신을 이끌 것입니다.
Quantum 7이 함유하고 있는 성능을 여러분은 손끝만으로도 느끼게 될 것입니다. 인풋은 물론 아웃풋에 Channel Delay, DiGiTuBe, Single and Multi-Channel Presets, Dual insert points, Hi- and Lo-pass filters at 24dB/octave, four-band parametric EQ (eight on outputs) with band curve selection and Dynamic EQ on each band, DiGiCo’s DYN 1 (Compressor, De-esser or Multiband Compressor) and DYN 2 (Gate, Compressor or Ducker)를 사용할 수 있습니다.
Quantum 7는 Mustard Processing 기능을 제공합니다. 모든 스트립에 할당 할 수 있는 이 기능은 다양하게 모델링 된 preamp, vintage dynamics unit 및 EQ section을 지니고 있으며, 사용자의 의도에 따라 충성스럽고 완벽하게 작동할 것 입니다.
마스터 섹션에서 48개의 gangable, 48 개의 밴드 & 그래픽 EQ, 48 개의 스테레오 이펙트 및 36 개의 컨트롤 그룹 (VCA)을 처리할 수 있으며, 콘솔의 모든 기능의 구성전환을 간편하게 처리하기 위해 라이브 환경에서 특히 요구되는 스냅샷 기능 역시 사용할 수 있습니다.
또한, 128개의 버스를 모노 / 스테레오 Group 또는 AUX등으로 할당 할 수 있으며, 48 x 48 아웃풋 매트릭스, True Solo가있는 듀얼 솔로 버스 및 LR / LCR / 5.1 마스터 버스를 사용하여, 이전의 기술에서는 느낄 수 없었던, 차별적이고 차원이 다른, 깊이 있는 믹스를 구성할 수 있습니다.
모니터엔지니어들에게는 상상으로만 구현이 가능했던 Nodal Processing과 True Solo 기능을 포함하고 있습니다. Nodal Processing은 생각을 현실로 이어주는 창의력을 부여해주며, True Solo 기능은 모든 프로세싱 과정중의 어느 지점에서 간에, 충실한 모니터를 제공합니다.
The SD7 Quantum is renowned for its heavyweight I/O, and with good reason.
Local I/O: SD7 Quantum’s local I/O includes 12 analogue inputs, 12 analogue outputs and 12 AES I/O (mono)
Optocore: The amount of connectivity is very special. SD7 Quantum comes as standard with one Optocore fibre loop, which is 504 channels of audio; there can be up to 14 DiGiCo racks, or a combination of racks and tie-lines around the loop; and there is an option to upgrade to dual loop, which allows for 1,008 Optocore channels of audio and 28 racks running.
UBMADI: In addition, the engine has a 48-channel UBMADI, so you can connect any laptop via USB and get 48 channels of recording and playback.
DMI: We have also incorporated two dedicated DMI slots to accommodate the growing family of DiGiCo DMI card options. Allowing the console connectivity to be configured for the demand of the tour or event, so you could plug in a Dante module, or the latest automatic mic mixing module. Each dedicated DMI slot provides you with an additional 64 I/O.
Waves: There is also Waves connectivity if you want to utilise SoundGrid processing, giving you a total of 128 additional I/O.
The console of tomorrow, available today – step up to SD7 Quantum and own the room!
This card will provide 56 Input and 56 output channels at 48kHz with Primary and Secondary (backup) optical connections.
DMI-HYDRA 2This card will provide 56 Input and 56 output channels at 48kHz with Primary and Secondary (backup) optical connections.
This card provides 16 analogue inputs on 2 x 25 way “D” connectors. The ADC card is a line card only. There is no microphone amplifier or phantom power available. There is no gain control function for these inputs (only digital trim). Maximum input level +22dBu.
DMI-ADCThis card provides 16 analogue inputs on 2 x 25 way “D” connectors. The ADC card is a line card only. There is no microphone amplifier or phantom power available. There is no gain control function for these inputs (only digital trim). Maximum input level +22dBu.
This card can be used to connect a Standard MADI stream (64 channels in and out) at 48KHz or 96KHz or an SD Series DiGiCo Rack with the appropriate connector (D-Rack, D2-Rack, SD-Rack, SD-MiNiRack)
DMI-MADI-BThis card can be used to connect a Standard MADI stream (64 channels in and out) at 48KHz or 96KHz or an SD Series DiGiCo Rack with the appropriate connector (D-Rack, D2-Rack, SD-Rack, SD-MiNiRack)
This card provides 64 input and 64 output channels at 48KHz and 32 input and 32 output channels at 96KHz. It is provided with Primary and Secondary (backup) Gigabit Ethernet ports for connection to the Dante network.
DMI-DANTEThis card provides 64 input and 64 output channels at 48KHz and 32 input and 32 output channels at 96KHz. It is provided with Primary and Secondary (backup) Gigabit Ethernet ports for connection to the Dante network.
This card provides 16 analogue outputs on 2 x 25 way “D” connectors DAC card is line level only. Maximum output level +22dBu (Digital Full Scale)
DMI-DACThis card provides 16 analogue outputs on 2 x 25 way “D” connectors DAC card is line level only. Maximum output level +22dBu (Digital Full Scale)
This card provides 16 Inputs (8 pairs) and 16 outputs (8 pairs) on 2 x 25 way “D” connectors. All AES inputs are provided with sample rate conversion (SRC) by default. All AES outputs are synchronised to the mixer system clock.
DMI-AESThis card provides 16 Inputs (8 pairs) and 16 outputs (8 pairs) on 2 x 25 way “D” connectors. All AES inputs are provided with sample rate conversion (SRC) by default. All AES outputs are synchronised to the mixer system clock.
This card can be used to connect a Standard MADI stream (64 channels in and out) at 48KHz or 96KHz or an SD Series DiGiCo Rack with the appropriate connector (D-Rack, D2-Rack, SD-Rack, SD-MiNiRack)
DMI-MADI-CThis card can be used to connect a Standard MADI stream (64 channels in and out) at 48KHz or 96KHz or an SD Series DiGiCo Rack with the appropriate connector (D-Rack, D2-Rack, SD-Rack, SD-MiNiRack)
This card provides 16 output channels at 48kHz (with SRC) and Supports Aviom's proprietary A-Net Pro16 protocol. It has 1 Cat5e connection and faceplate DIP switched for Stereo output selection.
DMI-AVIOMThis card provides 16 output channels at 48kHz (with SRC) and Supports Aviom's proprietary A-Net Pro16 protocol. It has 1 Cat5e connection and faceplate DIP switched for Stereo output selection.
This card will provide 64 input and 64 output channels at 48kHz or 96kHz to the SoundGrid Network with 2 Cat5e/Cat6 connections.
DMI-WAVESThis card will provide 64 input and 64 output channels at 48kHz or 96kHz to the SoundGrid Network with 2 Cat5e/Cat6 connections.
This card offers both the SD-Range and the S-Series consoles 48 channels of automatic microphone mixing which can be used in any console input channel.
DMI-AMMThis card offers both the SD-Range and the S-Series consoles 48 channels of automatic microphone mixing which can be used in any console input channel.
This card offers a 40 output interface to Allen & Heath ME-1 or ME-500 Personal Mixers. Multiple personal Mixers can be connected to the DMI ME via the ME-U Hub.
DMI-METhis card offers a 40 output interface to Allen & Heath ME-1 or ME-500 Personal Mixers. Multiple personal Mixers can be connected to the DMI ME via the ME-U Hub.
This card provides 8 microphone preamp inputs on a 1 x 5 way "D" connector. Each channel has individual, low noise gain control and phantom power. User interface is through a normal channel strip on your console. Maximum input level is +22dBu.
DMI-MICThis card provides 8 microphone preamp inputs on a 1 x 5 way "D" connector. Each channel has individual, low noise gain control and phantom power. User interface is through a normal channel strip on your console. Maximum input level is +22dBu.
This card allows S-Series Consoles to connect to the A168 STAGE Stage Rack. Each Ethercon port supports up to 32 I/O, for a total channel count of 64 I/O.
DMI-A3232This card allows S-Series Consoles to connect to the A168 STAGE Stage Rack. Each Ethercon port supports up to 32 I/O, for a total channel count of 64 I/O.
This card allows Optocore audio over HMA, OpticalCon or ST connectors.
DMI-OPTOThis card allows Optocore audio over HMA, OpticalCon or ST connectors.
This card provides 64 inputs and 64 outputs to the Dante network at both 48kHz and 96kHz.
DMI-DANTE64@96This card provides 64 inputs and 64 outputs to the Dante network at both 48kHz and 96kHz.
This card provides ultra low latency KLANG immersive processing for up to 16 2-channel mixes with 64 inputs at 48kHz or 96kHz.
DMI-KLANGThis card provides ultra low latency KLANG immersive processing for up to 16 2-channel mixes with 64 inputs at 48kHz or 96kHz.
General Specifications
Audio Specification
Processing Channel Specification Input Channel
Processing Channel Specification Aux / Group / Matrix Output